Flowers for Florists

The freshest, most fragrant & most local cut-flowers you can get for your clients!

We get it...

You need the freshest & localest flowers you can get to do the wonders that you do.

We can help!

Give us a shout or come on down to say hello & have a look at what we are growing and how you we can help you out.

We're growing all sorts of annuals, perennials, foliage, fillers, Dahlias and delights so the best thing is to get in touch and come on over to have a look around and talk to Dan about how we can help.

In the meantime there will be a 2022 trade stem emerging soon so shoot Dan an email and he can send you it out as soon as its done!

And in terms of how it works, you tell us which of the flowers we have available you would like, how many you want & for when and we'll cut them early doors that morning ready to be picked up.

Just make sure you bring some buckets!! :)

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